
Sunday 23 June 2024

Creating a Fractal Art Application: Drawing the Sierpinski Triangle


June 2024


Welcome to this exciting tutorial, where we'll create a fractal art application using Delphi. We'll focus on the fascinating Sierpinski Triangle, a self-similar fractal that is relatively easy to construct but offers a visually appealing result. This demo app allows users to adjust colors and recursion depth, save artwork, and more. Let’s dive in!

What You'll Learn

  • Drawing the Sierpinski Triangle using recursion
  • Managing form painting and resizing in Delphi
  • Implementing user controls for customization
  • Saving drawings as PNG files

The Sierpinski Triangle

Prepare to be captivated by the Sierpinski Triangle, a fractal named after the Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpiński. This intriguing pattern is formed by recursively subdividing an equilateral triangle into smaller equilateral triangles. Despite its simplicity, the Sierpinski Triangle reveals an intricate and beautiful pattern that will surely pique your curiosity.

Source Code

This project uses no third-party components and can be compiled in Delphi using just the standard RTL components!

Update on Monday 2024-06-24:

Update the StatusBar directly in the UpdateBuffer procedure with the current image dimensions and the current recursion depth:

// UpdateBuffer resizes the buffer bitmap, fills it with the background color, and draws the Sierpinski Triangle.

procedure TForm1.UpdateBuffer;


  if Assigned(FBuffer) then // Avoid Access Violation at program close


    FBuffer.Width := ClientWidth; // Set buffer width to form's client width

    FBuffer.Height := ClientHeight; // Set buffer height to form's client height

    FBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := FBackgroundColor; // Set buffer canvas brush color to the background color

    FBuffer.Canvas.FillRect(ClientRect); // Fill the entire buffer with the background color

    // Draw the Sierpinski Triangle on the buffer canvas using the foreground color

    FBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := FForegroundColor;

    FBuffer.Canvas.Pen.Color := FForegroundColor;

    DrawSierpinskiTriangle(FBuffer.Canvas, 10, FDrawHeight - 10, ClientWidth - 10, FDrawHeight - 10, ClientWidth div 2, 10, FRecursionDepth);


  Invalidate; // Invalidate the form to trigger a repaint

  // Update the StatusBar:

  StatusBar1.SimpleText :=

      IntToStr(FBuffer.Width) + ' x ' + IntToStr(FBuffer.Height) + // show dimensions

      ' | Recursion Depth: ' + IntToStr(FRecursionDepth);          // show recursion depth

This is the central code:

// DrawSierpinskiTriangle recursively draws a Sierpinski Triangle on the given canvas.

procedure TForm1.DrawSierpinskiTriangle(Canvas: TCanvas; x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: Integer; Depth: Integer);


  mx1, my1, mx2, my2, mx3, my3: Integer;


  if Depth = 0 then


    // Draw the triangle using the given vertices

    Canvas.Polygon([Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2), Point(x3, y3)]);




    // Calculate the midpoints of each side of the triangle

    mx1 := (x1 + x2) div 2;

    my1 := (y1 + y2) div 2;

    mx2 := (x2 + x3) div 2;

    my2 := (y2 + y3) div 2;

    mx3 := (x3 + x1) div 2;

    my3 := (y3 + y1) div 2;

    // Recursively draw three smaller triangles

    DrawSierpinskiTriangle(Canvas, x1, y1, mx1, my1, mx3, my3, Depth - 1);

    DrawSierpinskiTriangle(Canvas, mx1, my1, x2, y2, mx2, my2, Depth - 1);

    DrawSierpinskiTriangle(Canvas, mx3, my3, mx2, my2, x3, y3, Depth - 1);



The Sierpinski Triangle is drawn recursively on a separate  Bitmap in memory to speed up the drawing.

You can download the whole project source code, including a compiled signed executable.

Key Features of the Application

  1. Drawing the Sierpinski Triangle:

    • The DrawSierpinskiTriangle procedure recursively draws the Sierpinski Triangle on the canvas.
    • The UpdateBuffer procedure resizes and redraws the triangle whenever the form is resized or the colors are changed:

// UpdateBuffer resizes the buffer bitmap, fills it with the background color, and draws the Sierpinski Triangle.

procedure TForm1.UpdateBuffer;


  if Assigned(FBuffer) then // Avoid Access Violation at program close


    FBuffer.Width := ClientWidth; // Set buffer width to form's client width

    FBuffer.Height := ClientHeight; // Set buffer height to form's client height

    FBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := FBackgroundColor; // Set buffer canvas brush color to the background color

    FBuffer.Canvas.FillRect(ClientRect); // Fill the entire buffer with the background color

    // Draw the Sierpinski Triangle on the buffer canvas using the foreground color

    FBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := FForegroundColor;

    FBuffer.Canvas.Pen.Color := FForegroundColor;

    DrawSierpinskiTriangle(FBuffer.Canvas, 10, FDrawHeight - 10, ClientWidth - 10, FDrawHeight - 10, ClientWidth div 2, 10, FRecursionDepth);


  Invalidate; // Invalidate the form to trigger a repaint

2. Customizable Colors:

    • Users can change the background and foreground colors through the menu items mBackgroundColor and mForegroundColor:

    • The ColorDialog component allows users to pick colors visually:

3. Adjustable Recursion Depth:

    • The recursion depth for drawing the triangle can be set through the menu item mRecursivityDepth:

    • An InputQuery dialog is used to prompt the user for a new recursion depth, with input validation to ensure the depth is between 1 and 8:

4. Saving the Artwork:

    • The drawing can be saved as a PNG file using the mSave menu item:

    • The SaveToPNG procedure handles the saving process, converting the buffer bitmap to a PNG image:

      // SaveToPNG saves the buffer bitmap to a PNG file.

      procedure TForm1.SaveToPNG(const FileName: string);


        PNG: TPngImage;


        PNG := TPngImage.Create;









This demo application showcases the power of recursion and the beauty of fractal art through the Sierpinski Triangle. By integrating user controls for color customization and recursion depth, the app offers a flexible and interactive experience. Additionally, the ability to save the artwork as a PNG file makes it easy to share your creations.

Feel free to explore and expand this application further. Happy coding!

About the Author

Peter Aschbacher is the founder of PA-Soft e.U. and an experienced Delphi developer. He is passionate about creating innovative software solutions and sharing his knowledge with the community.

For more information, visit PA-Soft e.U. or contact Peter at

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